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Before using our forms

Please download and save the forms first, to enable viewing and completion.

Getting client consent

Equipment finance

If you need to get consent from your client outside of our application process.


Generic Privacy Form:

AFIA Generic Privacy Form (DOC 172KB)


Westpac branded Privacy Form:

Westpac Privacy (PDF 167KB)

Commercial loans

If you need to get consent from your client outside of our application form.


Westpac branded Privacy Consent Form:

Westpac Business Privacy Consent Form (PDF 101KB)


Commercial Finance Consent Form:

Business Finance Consent Form (PDF 1MB)

Equipment finance forms

Application process

To start an application please use our DriveOnline portal. 


DriveXpress: If your client meets our fast-track application process criteria, please complete the application via DriveXpress within DriveOnline. If an affordability and financial declaration is required for DriveXpress clients, please complete the following form:


Affordability and Financial Declaration (DOC 35KB)

Guides and checklists

To assist with the documentation that your client will need to provide, please refer to our checklist:

Westpac Minimum Documentation Checklist (PDF 134KB)


Guide for balloon payments:

ATO (Australian Tax Office) Residual Value Guidelines (PDF 39KB)


Guide on how to supply invoices to Westpac:

Tax Invoice Templates – All Products (DOC 92KB)

SIMPLE+ for Equipment finance  

If your client doesn’t meet the DriveXpress criteria, they may be eligible for the SIMPLE+ submission pathway. Please follow the process detailed in the SIMPLE+ tab.

In some circumstances an inspection of the vehicle or equipment may be a condition of providing credit to your client.


For vehicle inspections, please use this form:

Vehicle Inspection Report (DOC 72KB)


For equipment inspections, please use this form:

Goods Inspection Report (DOC 36KB)

Commercial loan forms

Application process

To start an application please complete our application form:

Business Lending and Residential Loan Application Form – DYNAMIC (PDF 1MB)


To help you work through the loan process with your client, use our handy exploration guide:

Business Customer Exploration Guide (PDF 492KB)

Assets, liabilities and consent

Additional forms that you may require:

Assets and Liabilities Form (PDF 97KB)

Business Finance Consent Form (PDF 1MB)


Download and save these forms before use.

SIMPLE+ for Commercial loans 

If your client is eligible for the SIMPLE+ application process, please follow the process detailed in the SIMPLE+ tab.

Applying for a business and consumer loan together? You’ll need the R&O form for the home loan component:

Westpac Dynamic R&O Form – June 2021 (PDF 214KB)

Vehicle Inspection Report (DOC 72KB)

Fees and charges

Vehicle and equipment finance fees and charges:


Business loan fees and charges:

  • Visit the product pages for business loans or contact your BDM for further details. 

Need more help?

Broker accreditation

To update or transfer your accreditation, please follow our accreditation process before completing the following:

Westpac Broker Accreditation Form – April 2023 (PDF 1MB)

Broker resources

Find the tools and information you need to assist your clients, from published rates to handy website links, worksheets, guides and more.

Explore broker resources

Frequently asked questions

To help simplify and speed up approvals and settlement of finance, we offer a fast-track application process where your client meets a set of eligibility criteria. 


For vehicle and equipment finance, fast-track applications can be submitted via DriveOnline as a: 

  • DriveXpress application for loans up to $250K4
  • SIMPLE+ for loans $250K up to $5M1.


For commercial lending, we offer the SIMPLE+ pathway (for loans up to $5M3).

Things you should know

The SIMPLE+ pathway is part of our usual Business Credit Policy. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply.


Westpac Group Broker Code of Conduct


Credit criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. These may change or we may introduce new ones in the future. Full details are available on request. This information does not take the borrower’s personal objectives, circumstances or needs into account. Consider its appropriateness to these factors before acting on it. Please ensure you/ the borrower(s) read the disclosure documents for the selected product or service, including the Terms and Conditions or Product Disclosure Statement, before deciding. Target Market Determinations for certain products are available.


If any of the information related to (or provided by) the Westpac Banking Corporation that you rely on is printed, downloaded or stored in any manner on your systems, files or otherwise, please ensure that you update your systems and files with the most up-to-date information provided by us and rely only on such updated information. Our site is secure. You can read our security information.


Unless otherwise specified, the products and services described on this website are available only in Australia from Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.


1. Please confirm eligibility with your BDM or Relationship Executive. These amounts cover the aggregate amount of business lending with the Bank

2. The Serviceability calculator and the BAS Calculator (Calculators) are the property of the Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714 and you acknowledge by accessing either Calculator that they are provided for use by you only as an accredited Westpac broker and are not to be shared, copied or otherwise distributed. The results derived from the Calculators are for illustrative purposes only and should not be regarded as a prediction or personal advice.  The calculations are not intended to be forecasts or projections but to be used as a tool to assist you making your own projections.   The information and results obtained from either Calculator do not constitute a loan approval, quote or an offer to lend, and it is not intended that they be relied on for the purposes of making a final decision in relation to a lending or credit product. The Calculators contain general information and  the borrower before acting on this information needs to consider its appropriateness having regards to their objectives, financial situation and needs and should seek independent, financial, legal and taxation advice. The figures and formulae used in the Calculators may change at any time without notice.  No guarantee, warranty, or representation is given or implied as to the reliability or accuracy of the information used to compile each index or each calculation. Westpac denies any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental , consequential or special damages or for any loss arising out of or in any way connected with the access to, reliance on, or use of the Calculators. The results from the Calculators are confidential and cannot be distributed to any party not authorised by the borrower’s express written consent. View our Privacy Statement at

3. Certain products have maximum limits less than $5M, please confirm these with your BDM.

4. MV Car (≤$150k and not taxi/hire/import and asset price not to exceed $180k), MV Light Commercial Vehicle (< 4.5T), Trailer, Truck, Forklift (including telehandler), Dozer, Excavator, Grader, Skid Steer/Wheel Loader, Scraper or Dump Truck (heavy duty - off road or used in mining), Scissor Lift, Boom lift, Backhoe Loader are new or used ≤ 5 years. Harvester/Header, Seeding/Planting, Sprayer, Tractor and Tractor Front Attachments, are new or used ≤ 7 years. Note: Tractor attachments must be funded together with the tractor.

5. Refer to your BDM to discuss the suitability of SIMPLE+. Excludes consumer lending, construction lending, sector policy and specialised lending. 

6. Non-recurring income or expense adjustments that can be reasonably justified.


The CitoPlus digital platform is offered and operated by CitoPlus, not Westpac Banking Corporation (Westpac). CitoPlus is not exclusive to Westpac customers.


By accessing and submitting an application through the CitoPlus platform, you will enter a third-party platform not owned by Westpac. For all personal information you provide to CitoPlus or upload to the CitoPlus platform please see the CitoPlus Privacy Policy. The CitoPlus Privacy Policy, is also available on the CitoPlus website. 


Westpac pays fees to CitoPlus in relation to Westpac’s access to and use of the CitoPlus platform. Included in those fees is an amount paid in connection with each loan application submitted to Westpac through the CitoPlus platform.


There are also fees that you will need to pay in relation to your use of the CitoPlus platform. Please visit to find out more.